About Me

80's Businessman Shot

I’m just a guy with an interest in technology and serving the Lord.  This blog is a place for me to post my musings and adventures.  I would like to post entries in the hopes that things I’ve learned will help other people in their adventures (technological or otherwise).

My technical background is in Information Technology.  I enjoy Cisco routers/switches, web servers (Apache and IIS), Linux and Windows OS, meshing wireless systems, VMware/Hyper-v and many other topics.

Interestingly, I’m not as excited about security.  This is not to say I fight security, on the contrary I’m a big proponent of security.  Rather, I just don’t want to be the guy in charge of security.  That being said, in every role I’ve held, I do my best to keep the systems I’m responsible for up to the latest security standards.  I work with PCI-DSS and SOC-1 compliance.  …It just doesn’t get me out of bed in the morning to do it whereas I’ll do ANYTHING for a network problem to solve!

As to my personal life, I am married to the lovely Elissa.  We were married in 2012 and it has been a whirlwind ever since!  Lot’s of ups and downs, but quite an adventure for sure!  Without a doubt the most growing and improving experience I’ve ever had.  Thanks for doing this wild ride with me, honey!

Lastly, I am a born again Christian (Protestant).  I really get excited about theology, especially predestination and election (I’m a Calvinist mostly).  It is really important to me to be plugged into community and I attend a church here in southern California (Existence Church) to be involved in.  Without a doubt the most important thing in my life is my walk with Jesus.  However, I stumble and sometimes it isn’t the highest priority in my life.  Take me as I am, a man learning to fall and trying to follow Jesus: the author and perfecter of my faith.